
Type of organisation - choose one of the following answers

Other (please specify, 40 characters)

Sector - choose one of the following answers

Other / or more than 1 sector (please specify)


On behalf of whom are you completing this questionnaire? Choose one of the following answers

Q1: How would you rate the overall CSP vision to contribute to the challenge of transforming the steel industry towards carbon neutrality?


Rate: 1 very low contribution, 5 very high contribution

QC1: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q2: How well does CSP address the sustainability R&D&I interests of the steel industry?


Rate: 1 very low contribution, 5 very high contribution

QC2: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q3: Will CSP bring added value to innovation in your sector?


Rate: 1 very low contribution, 5 very high contribution

QC3: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q4: How would you rate the balance in Clean Steel between

Q4a: Research – Development – Innovation efforts


Rate: 1 very low contribution, 5 very high contribution

Q4b: Short – Medium – Long impact


Rate 1 very poor balance, 5 very well balanced.

Q4c: The 6 areas of intervention (CDA, SCU-PI, SCU-CCU, combination, CE, enablers)


Rate 1 very poor balance, 5 very well balanced.

QC4: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q5: Are the CSP targets both ambitious and realistic?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC5: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q6: How do you rate the concept of Building Blocks and Areas of Intervention?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC6: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q7: How do you rate the Multi Stage approach?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC7: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q8: How do you rate the budget split?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC8: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q9: How do you rate the content for the Building Blocks?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC9: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q10: How do you rate the contribution of the CSP to European policies related with climate change, energy, sustainability, critical raw materials and competitiveness?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC10: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)

Q11: How do rate the content of the updated SRIA (2023) compared to the original version (2021)?


Rate 1 very poor, 5 very high

QC11: Please provide comments to illustrate your rating (maximum 650 characters including spaces)